Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Concordia College New York to Close | About

Concordia College New York to Close | About

Concordia College New York to Close

Concordia College New York to Close

After much deliberation, the Board of Regents of Concordia College New York has decided that Concordia College will close; classes will cease beginning with the Fall 2021 semester. In addition, the Board agreed to proceed on a formal agreement with Iona College to provide continued education for Concordia's students through a teach-out, and to sell Concordia's Bronxville campus to Iona College. 

This extremely difficult decision is the result of a deliberative, thoughtful and strategic process, informed by immutable business realities. Set within the context of a changing and broadly challenged higher education sector, the College's financial shortfalls were further accelerated by the global pandemic.  

Iona College's like mission, faith-based foundation, comprehensive array of programs, strong financial picture and close location were all factors in the Regents' student-centric decision. Together, Iona College and Concordia College are committed to the needs of students and will be providing numerous communications and assistance to facilitate this transition.

Many details of the agreement are being finalized and are subject to regulatory approval. As information becomes available over the weeks to come, Concordia College will update students, admitted students, staff, faculty, alumni, donors, Conservatory students, OSilas Art Studio students, and the community. At present, Concordia does not expect any disruption to the current Spring 2021 semester. 

Board of Regents Chairman Joe Carlin said: "While we had hoped to preserve the College in its current form, and worked hard on a number of solutions, we know that this move gives our students the best opportunity for a seamless continuation of their education at a worthy institution."

Concordia President John A. Nunes said: "Students were and continue to be our priority throughout the prayerful and painstaking decision-making process. By acting now, Concordia's Regents have provided our students with an excellent option for continuing the quality, faith-informed education they began here. This outcome brings deep pain to all of us who care for Concordia, and in whose hearts Concordia will always live. I find inspiration in Concordia's legacy: the generations of alumni who have and are today impacting the world with the foundation Concordia gave them. I find hope in the bright future of our current students, able to pursue their passion, purpose and service at a thriving institution with a Christian foundation, just as generations of Concordia students before them have done. May God bless them on their journey."    

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