Tuesday, January 31, 2023

NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Study - NCAA.org

NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Study - NCAA.org

NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Study

The NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Study examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental well-being of student-athletes during spring 2020, fall 2020 and fall 2021. NCAA Research collaborated with the NCAA Sport Science Institute and the NCAA's Division I, II and III Student-Athlete Advisory Committees to design and distribute the surveys to student-athletes spanning three divisions, all sports and athletics conferences. The three surveys generated over 70,000 student-athlete responses.

The surveys explored the following areas:

  • Mental health concerns 
  • Barriers to training
  • Living and learning environments
  • Academic experiences
  • COVID-19 testing and adherence to public health guidelines (Fall 2020)
  • Sport/championship cancelations (Spring 2020)
  • Maintaining team connections (Spring 2020)
  • Impact on academic timeline and career planning (Fall 2020)
  • Transfer intentions (Fall 2021)
  • Civic engagement (Fall 2021)
  • Desired resources

NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Survey (Fall 2021)

NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Survey (Fall 2020)

NCAA Student-Athlete Well-Being Survey (Spring 2020)

Additional Resources

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