Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Woman sues CAMC for hostile work environment | West Virginia Record

Woman sues CAMC for hostile work environment | West Virginia Record

Woman sues CAMC for hostile work environment


CHARLESTON — A Malden woman says Charleston Area Medical Center created a hostile work environment.

Kathleen Renae Webb was employed at CAMC from March 25, 2019, until Oct. 16, 2019, when she claims she was constructively discharged due to sexual and race-based harassment, according to a complaint filed in Kanawha Circuit Court.

Webb, who was a nutrition technician and head baker was told by a managerial employee, Chris Cox, that she was pretty, had a great smile, that he liked being around her, asked her what she liked to do for fun and even asked about the color of her undergarments all on her first day of training.

Webb claims she made it clear that the comments were unwelcome, but he continued to make comments and flirt with her. She claims she eventually reported Webb's harassment and, instead of listening to her, the supervisor sent her home without pay.

The following day, Webb was informed she would need to transfer to a new CAMC hospital, which she did, but at that hospital she was tormented by a co-worker, Kathy Owens, because she is married to a black man and has biracial children, according to the suit.

Webb claims the harassment became so bad that she left work during a shift. She says Owens then sent her several messages calling her names and making accusations. Webb claims she had no choice but to quit her job when the defendants took no action against Owens.

Webb is seeking compensatory damages. She is represented by Michael P. Addair of Addair Law Office in Hurricane.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge Carrie Webster.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number: 21-C-173

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