Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sexual misconduct at UVM: Track athletes protest at New England meet

Sexual misconduct at UVM: Track athletes protest at New England meet

'Embarrassed' University of Vermont track athletes black out school name on uniform

University of Vermont track and field athletes said they are "embarrassed" by the school's handling of sexual misconduct cases and "frustrated" by athletic director Jeff Schulman's recent statements in the aftermath of this month's walkout on campus that drew thousands. 

How did they show their discontent? About 25 of them covered "Vermont" with black tape across their uniforms or team sweatshirts during the New England championships on May 14-15 in New Britain, Connecticut.

"The past four years we've been told we are competing for the university and their values," UVM senior hurdler Cameron McLaughlin said in an interview with the Free Press on Monday. "Yet we're not sharing the same values if we are against all these things and they are doing nothing to change them.

"We decided to do it at New Englands to get the word out and raise attention to how terrible a job UVM athletics and the administration has been doing."

Sophomore pole vaulter Sofia Wittmann shared McLaughlin's stance.

"Our athletic department doesn't represent us and who we are," Wittmann said.

Calls for UVM to make systemic changes to how it addresses sexual assault — from support for victims to the school's reporting process with the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, which investigates cases of sexual misconduct — have intensified in recent weeks.

A social media movement, where UVM students shared their personal experiences of sexual violence, ignited the walkout on May 3. School leaders said they agreed to student demands, including requiring Catamount sports teams to attend sexual violence, harassment or healthy relationship training at least once each semester.

Schulman, a UVM alumnus and longtime school administrator who became AD in 2016, released a statement four days after the protest, saying his department has historically and will continue treating allegations "with the utmost of seriousness" and guarantee cases are referred to the school's AAEO office.

"Sexual misconduct in any form is unacceptable and is not tolerated by the UVM Athletic Department," Schulman said. "At no time is athletic status, gender, or sport a factor in determining responsibility or an appropriate sanction." 

'Countless me-toos':UVM's response to sexual assaults must change school, students agree

In a statement to the Free Press on Tuesday afternoon, Schulman said he was "aware of the concerns expressed" by the school's track and field athletes.

"My Athletic Department colleagues and I will continue to have dialogue with student-athletes about these concerns," Schulman said. "I know that all of us in the Athletic Department are committed to eliminating sexual misconduct in all its forms and we will continue to work with our student-athlete leaders to ensure that our education, training and departmental response support this goal."

UVM athletes: Athletic department statements insufficient

McLaughlin said the athletic department's lack of action speaks louder than Schulman's words.

"I feel like they just make blanket statements with no urgency or desire to change anything," McLaughlin said. "They just want to cover their asses as bad as that sounds. They are just saying, 'Oh, we are doing what we can,' even though they are not."

In an interview Tuesday, sprinter Sonia John pressed Schulman to take further steps. 

Previously:No special treatment for UVM athletes in sexual misconduct cases, athletic director says

"It seems like (Schulman's) saying it to put a band aid on it and not really fixing the problem," said John, among the three dozen UVM track athletes who opted to wear a teal ribbon on their arm for sexual abuse awareness. "(Schulman's) the head of the department and he's let things go already. What are you going to do different now?"

Wittmann pointed to the case of Kendall Ware as an example of the school, specifically the athletic department, not doing enough and giving preferential treatment to one athlete over another.

Ware, a university swimmer, said she was raped by a men's basketball player and that UVM improperly handled her investigation. Ware told the Free Press that she believed the school handled her case differently because the accused was a basketball player. She said UVM fed her misleading information during the process and pressured her to resolve the complaint through an informal resolution that warranted lesser repercussions.

"In Kendall's case, the person was allowed to continue to play," Wittmann said. "He did not face consequences in a way that he should've faced consequences."

Photos:UVM students protest sexual violence on campus

In responding to Free Press questions last week about the department's role in handling reports of sexual misconduct, Schulman said staff send allegations to the school's AAEO office, which works independently of the department. 

"At that point, our role is to provide personal support for any student-athlete who may request it, and in the event of a finding of responsibility, to apply our student-athlete code of conduct as appropriate," Schulman said.

More:UVM swimmer says staff misled her in resolving rape report. Athletic director clarifies stance.

'Change the team cultures'

The uproar over sexual violence on campus hits close to home for Wittmann.

"There are sexual assault survivors on these athletic teams, including myself, competing for a university and athletic department that has not supported us as survivors or created an environment where we feel safe," Wittmann said. "When students don't feel safe or supported, we cannot represent this university with pride."

Wittmann said she wants the athletic department to do more.

"I'd like to see our athletic department take an initiative to support survivors instead of only responding to demands after months of people being frustrated," Wittmann said. "I am glad they responded well to student demands but the environment needs to change as well.

"Just holding a seminar that they were asked to hold isn't going to change the team cultures and environment that the athletic department has created."

At the New England meet, competitors and coaches asked why UVM athletes had blacked out the Vermont letters on their uniforms. Those conversations were powerful, Wittmann said.

"It isn't the public image that UVM or the athletic department wants to share throughout New England," Wittmann said. "Taping our jerseys brought attention to what's happening and hopefully push for more change and push for a safer environment."

Contact Alex Abrami at Follow him on Twitter: @aabrami5.

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