Friday, January 19, 2018



Why did PE/SPORT Develop?

         Historically - The need for physically fit males to fight and go to war for their City/State and/or Country....


         Chinese believed in-activity led to disease; Cong Fu = Chinese Gymnastics... Activities incorporated into lifestyle 2700 BC....


         Their HINDU beliefs led them to avoid glorifying the body and accumulating the worldly goods. YOGA was developed. YOGA is stretching and breathing...    


          The Middle East now - Egyptians, Persians, and Syrians, espoused a philosophy that life was to be enjoyed, including military training... Young Boys at age 6 began learning horse riding, hunting, javelin throwing, and running...


         Golden Age due to the influence - powerful city states with powerful military training centers

         Athens - Athenian Culture revolved around philosophical inquiry and artistic inspiration. Deep Appreciation of the human body and mechanics of the human body by Aristotle and Archimedes

         Sparta - Sparta was dedicated to Military Excellence... Highly fit and militarily skilled... Rigorous Mental and Physical training... Spartan is a popular mascot name...

         Funeral Games were sporting competitions organized and carried out in honor of deaths of revered Greek Citizens (Sporting Wakes)... Cities would compete and winners would receive wreath of laurel or olive leaves to symbolize their athletic excellence....
         National Festivals were a byproduct of Funeral Games and a predecessor to the Olympics - MALE ONLY EVENTS... The concept was amateurism "love of sport", in reality, Athletes took gifts and moved from city to city

         Birth of the Olympics were held in 776 BC... The Ancient Olympics Games were to honor the Greek God Zeus... Running, throwing, jumping, boxing and wrestling... Who could compete

    • Male
    • Train for a minimum of 10 months
    • be a free man
    • maintain a perfect physique and good moral character
    • have no criminal record
    • compete within the rules
    • sign an athletes oath along with trainer and family

        Once you signed up - you were forced to compete in the nude...
        Roman Law in 393 BC ended the Olympics 


        The worlds 1st great military civilization. Every citizen was prepared to go to battle - the "citizen-soldier" was the philosophy of life. 
        Romans became the first spectators of sport. Bloody/Violent Games to the death in the coliseum. The greatest professional fighter was Diocles. 
        To keep the gladiators healthy, the first sports medicine specialist was a Greek named Galen. He wrote about exercise and rest 


        Dark Ages - Europe fell into the dark ages with the fall of Rome. Little is known about the specific details of life during this time. The Teutonic Armies rose to power with their physical prowess. 2 concepts added the the diminished of physical activities 

        The Christian Church and philosophy of Christian Asceticism "Glorification of the body was EVIL". Conversely punishment of the body was a way to remove the evil and elevate the spirit

        Scholasticism = the love of knowledge and intellectual development. Time exercising was seen as wasted time 

Age of Feudalism 9th-14th Century
       Europe was governed by individual landowners who had their own military to protect their property. Knighthood training started at 7 and by 14 you became a squire, and at 21 you became a knight


       Cultural re-birth of Europe in the arts, music, and physical activity. Body, Mind, Spirit with the relationship of physical health and learning

    • Italy - Educator Vittorino da Feltra
    • Pope Pius
    • German Church Leader Martin Luther
    • French Theorist  Francois Rabelais
    • English Poet John Milton

EUROPE Mid 1700-Late 1800

         Germany - German Gymnastics - national commitment to rigid discipline to protect its independence. Synchronized marching and posture 

         Sweden - Swedish Gymnastics - to protect and preserve the Swedish heritage.

      • Per Henrik Ling - founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics in Stockholm, understanding of anatomy and physiology and exercise physiology
      • Lars Gabriel Branting - expanded the study of exercise anatomy and physiology to include cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system
      • Gusaf Nyblaes - military gymnastic enthusiast

       Birthplace of outdoor sports; Golf 1600 and Cricket 1700


       3 famous french in the area of PE and Sport

    • Jean-Jacques Rousseau proponent of education reform and challenged the church position on play and leisure activity
    • Johann Basedow - encouraged PE in schools
    • Baron Pierre de Coubertin - restarting the Modern Olympiad 1896


Colonial America

    1. NEW ENGLAND COLONIES - Puritans - no pleasure 
    2. HUDSON RIVER AREA - Dutch - okay with physical activities
    3. SOUTH OF DUTCH SETTLEMENTS - English Prisoners and Malcontents 

Nationalist America

      Early America stressed the the 3 R's... In 1802 US government opened US Military Academy in West Point, with a strong emphasis on physical training
      Round Hill School opened in 1823 teaching formal gymnastics founded by Charles Beck.
      Turnverein Societes influence in 1848 Cincinnati

Post Civil War

      1st college teaching PE 1861 NORMAL SCHOOL 


        PE & Athletics 1800's - 1866 California mandated PE in school - 5 whole minutes... 1893 HARVARD granted a PE Degree

        Athletic Training (NATA) & Sports Medicine developed 1900's... 1950 NATA founded... ACSM founded 1954 

         Health Promotion/Adult Fitness - today prevention.. Concept of Wellness starts... Two major events in 1950's... 1) we were falling behind Europeans K-12 in muscular Tests 2) Autopsies of the young men and women killed during the Korean War showed 70% had significant coronary heart disease

         Sports Management - Ohio University started degree in 1967... the degree is suppose to prepare you to work in athletics, recreation administration...

         Recreation & Intramural Activities - Campus or local communities... Also Exercise Specialist

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