Monday, January 15, 2018


 West Virginia State University
 Health and Human Performance Department
HHP 428 – Administration of Physical Education and Sport
3 Credit Hours

Instructor:    Sean McAndrews, MA
Email: first before stopping by
Office:        Fleming Hall Room N123
Office Hours:  Tuesday - Friday 9:00 AM until Noon
               Saturday & Sunday during Home Sporting Events.

Class MeetingsWednesday-Fridays 8:05 – 8:55 in room FS119; Quizzes & Assignments due via internet Mondays 11:55pmPM

Text: Administration for Exercise Related Professions; Langley and Hawkins; Second Edition

Blog: You will sign up for . Assignments and discussions will be placed on this site along with the online education site - .

Weather Delay/Cancellation: If the county you live cancels or delays public school, then you do not have to come to class…

Course Purpose: The course is a specially designed series of discussions, lectures, case studies, and out of class experiences where the student is assisted in application of the administrative theories, concepts, principles, organization and decision making skills necessary to assist them in a successful career in the exercise related professions.

Attendance/Late Materials: Materials are due per the syllabus date. Materials turned in late will result in ZERO points. Materials can always be submitted early, 14 days or greater from the due date. Those missing information will be returned to the student to complete for full points.

Course Outcomes: What is an Outcome?

An outcome is what a student MUST achieve in this course in order to be considered competent enough to advance to higher level Physical Education and Health Education courses and ultimately graduate from the University

Upon completion of this course, the student will:
1.     Demonstrate the ability to identify and communicate within their professional realm using proper administrative terms
2.     Demonstrate the ability to utilize basic administrative concepts and ethical decision making within the realm of physical education and sport.
3.     Apply knowledge of finance and budget concepts to the profession of physical education and or sport.

West Virginia Physical Education Content Standards Addressed in this course are:
Responsible Personal and Social Behaviors (PE.S.5) Students will:  Demonstrate an understanding of responsible personal and social behaviors in physical activity settings.

West Virginia Technology Standards addressed in this course are:
1.0    Pre-professional Skills
1.5   Demonstrate knowledge of uses of computers and technology in business, industry, and society.
1.6   Use productivity tools for word processing, database management, and spreadsheet applications.
1.8   Use computer-based technologies, including telecommunications, to access information and enhance personal and professional productivity.
2.0    Content Specialization
2.4   Use advanced features of productivity tools to improve the teaching and learning in the content area.
2.12 Identify professional technology organizations and support groups to continue growth of technology utilization and enhance content delivery.

3.0    Professional Education
3.7   Practice responsible ethical and legal use of technology, information, and software resources.

National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Teacher Education Standards addressed in this course are:
Standard 4:  Management and Motivation
Physical Education Teachers use an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a safe learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement and self-motivation.
Standard 5: Communication
Physical education teachers use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and medial communication techniques to enhance learning and engagement in physical activity settings.

Standard 8:  Reflection
Physical education teachers are reflective practitioners who evaluate the effects of their actions on others and seek opportunity to grow professionally.

Standard 9: Technology
Physical education teachers use information technology to enhance learning and to enhance personal and professional productivity.

Standard 10:  Collaboration
Physical education teachers foster relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians, and community agencies to support students’ growth and well-being.


  1. CHAPTER ASSIGNMENT: We will cover a chapter and then you will have an assignment due the next class period (300 points) This assessment will assess NASPE Standards 4,5,9.
    1. 5 Writing Performance Based Objectives due - Writing Performance Based Objectives (Chapter 05) (100 points)
    2. 2 Planning Projects due – 1 short term (3months) and 1 long term (Year). Planning a daily/monthly/yearly calendar in your area of Teaching, Coaching, Athletic Administration, Strength/Conditioning or Recreation. (100 points)
                                          i.    Short Term will include Day, Week, Month (3 TOTAL MONTHS)
                                        ii.    Long Term will include Day, Week, & 6-9 months Depending on career
    1. 2 - Budgets (Chapter 10) (100 points)

  1. CASE ANALYSIS & PRESENTATION:         You will produce ten summaries/ conclusions, each worth 20 points each. There are samples in the book (chapters 17-21). The ten will come from posts on Students will sign on to the blog and put their name. Repeating a topic will result in zero points. You are to use the case analysis format in the book. The form is on the assignment tab on line. The students will present 3 in front of the class for total points.  (200 total points) These assessments will assess NASPE standards 4,5,8,9,10.

  1. QUIZZES: Eight (8) 50-point quizzes are available online as of the first day of class. Quizzes will consist of matching, listing, essay, and fill-in the blank completion. You have two opportunities to take each quiz and I take the highest grade. All quizzes are available as of the first day of class.  (400 points) These assessments will assess NASPE standards 4,5,8,9,10

  1. FINAL EXAM:    One (1) 50-point quizzes are available online as of the first day of class. Quizzes will consist of matching, listing, essay, and fill-in the blank completion. You have two opportunities to take each quiz and I take the highest grade. All quizzes are available as of the first day of class.  (50 points) These assessments will assess NASPE standards 4,5,8,9,10

  1. TITLE IX REVIEW & PRESENTATION:         Students will be given the EADA report for three NCAA, D2, D3, or NAIA colleges.  The Student will review the data and determine if the school is in compliance using one of the three prongs per Law. Students will present their finding to the class and turn in a one page review. (100 points).

  1. EDUCATION - SPORT TECHNOLOGY / SOCIAL MEDIA:       Students will choose from a variety of media to add to their vitae and life experiences. The objective is for the student to get practical experience in the area of work they are going into. Do one (10 points)

  1. CLASS PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE/ LATE WORK/MIDTERM:         You are penalized for not following directions. You are penalized for not coming to class prepared.  You will be assigned items every class. There are 11 class sessions. You will be assigned materials to discuss in class. Failure to be prepared will count the same as a miss. You are allowed three missed classes without penalty. Upon your fourth miss, your grade will drop by 25 points for every miss after the fourth missed class; You will start the class with an “F” and your grade will improve as your point total increases.


A = 90 – 100% This grade shows evidence of OUTSTANDING performance and/or understanding of the complete outcome being assessed. 900 and above

B = 80 – 89%.  This grade shows evidence of ABOVE AVERAGE performance and/or understanding of the complete outcome being assessed. 800 to 899

C = 70 – 79%.  This grade shows evidence of AVERAGE performance and/or understanding of the complete outcome being assessed. 700 to 799

D = 60 – 69%.  This grade shows evidence of BELOW AVERAGE performance and/or understanding of the complete outcome being assessed. 600 to 699

F = 0 – 59%.      This grade shows evidence of UNACCEPTABLE performance and/or understanding of the complete outcome being assessed. 000 to 599

FINAL                                      50
TECHNOLOGY                                 10
QUIZES (8 * 50)                           400
Case Analysis                             200
Chapter Assignment Performance Objective  100
Chapter Planning – Long Term & Short Term 100
Chapter Assignment Budgets                100
Title IX Analysis & Presentation (70/30)  100
                                   TOTAL 1060

COURSE OUTLINE (Subject to Change)
January 15 MLK HOLIDAY
01/17 Intro
01/19 CASE ANALYSIS Chapters 17-23
01/24 CHAPTER 01
01/26 CHAPTER 02
01/29 Quiz 1
01/31 CHAPTER 03
02/02 CHAPTER 04
02/05 Quiz 2
02/07 CHAPTER 05
02/09 CHAPTER 06
02/12 Quiz 3
02/14 CHAPTER 07
02/16 CHAPTER 08
02/19 Quiz 4
02/21 CHAPTER 09
02/23 CHAPTER 10
02/26 Quiz 5
02/28 CHAPTER 11
03/02 CHAPTER 12
03/05 Quiz 6
03/07 CHAPTER 13
03/09 CHAPTER 14
03/12 Quiz 7
03/14 CHAPTER 15
03/16 CHAPTER 16
March 17 SPRING BREAK March 25
03/26 Quiz 8
03/27 Technology
03/28 Performance Objectives
03/28 Case Analysis
04/04 Title IX Presentation & 3 Case Analysis in front of class 4
04/06 Title IX Presentation & 3 Case Analysis in front of class 4
04/11 Title IX Presentation & 3 Case Analysis in front of class 4
04/13 Title IX Presentation & 3 Case Analysis in front of class 4
04/18 Title IX Presentation & 3 Case Analysis in front of class 4
04/20 Title IX Presentation & 3 Case Analysis in front of class 4
04/25 Budgets
05/09 FINAL 11:55PM

May 06 – May 10



Chapter 1
  • Students will understand the Historical Foundations on Athletics/ Teacher Education/ Recreations in perspective to today’s societal issues
  • Students will be able to define to Key Terms from the chapter

Chapter 2
  • Students will be able to discuss Contemporary trends in Athletics/Teacher Education/ Recreation
  • Students will be able to discuss the concept of Health Promotion and overall individual health through the use of public education and programs to improve the quality of life
  • Student will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 3
  • Students will be able to explain the term organization and identify the seven principles of the organization process
  • Students will be able to define various organizational topics
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 4
  • Students will be able to understand the difference of various organizational plans
  • Students will be able to discuss the process of developing an effective organizational plan
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 5
  • Students will be able to identify and discuss the six principles of effective administration
  • Students will identify the five components of an effective performance based objectives
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 6
  • Students will be able to identify and discuss the characteristics of an effective leader
  • Students will identify the 6 – C’s of conflict resolution
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 7
  • Students will be able to differentiate between the three types of decision making strategies
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 8
  • Students will identify and contrast the three types of listening skills that are critical for effective organizational communications
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 9
  • Students will explain the value of personal evaluation process to the success of an organization
  • Students will understand the causes of poor employee performance
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 10
  • Students will discuss the link between sound budget procedures and proper facility planning and management
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 11
  • Students will be able to describe the relationship between evaluations and planning
  • Students will be able to discuss and explain each step in the evaluation cycle.
  • Students will be able to differentiate between formative and summative evaluation
  • Students will be able to discuss at least three sources of goals.
  • Students will be able to identify situations in which qualitative and qualitative evaluation would be used
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 12
  • Students will be able to define common laws and discuss the role of case precedent
  • Students will be able to list and discuss the subsystems that make up our law system
  • Students will be able to differentiate between civil and common law
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 13
  • Students will be able to give example of Tort Law
  • Students will be able to describe the concept of Fault and relate it to liability
  • Students will be able to distinguish between unintentional and intentional torts.
  • Students will be able to list the four elements of negligence.
  • Students will give four methods used to counter the claims of negligence
  • Students will be able to define key terms from the chapter

Chapter 14
  • Students will be able to identify individual rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and give examples of how each one might be violation in their relative profession
  • Students will be able to discuss the importance of the fourth amendment
  • Students will be able to define state actors and give examples
  • Students will identify at least five federal laws that extend constitutional protections
  • Students will be able to define terms from the chapter

Chapter 15
  • Students will be able to list and discuss the six elements of an enforceable contract
  • Students will describe the difference between a void contract and voidable contract
  • Students will be able to give examples of breach of contract
  • Students will be able to define caveat emptor and caveat vendor and discuss the difference between the two
  • Students will  be able to define terms from the chapter

Chapter 16
  • Students will be able to define Risk Management
  • Students will discuss how Risk Management is an ongoing process
  • Students will be able to discuss the difference between qualitative and quantitative supervision and specific and general supervision
  • Students will be able to list at least five ways to ensure safe environmental conditions
  • Students will  be able to define terms from the chapter

Out of Class Projects
  • Students will work with budgets from the perspective of coach and administrator.
  • Students will write two performance based objective as administrator/ coach and as a teacher
  • Students will get actual work experience in an athletic setting, working with equipment, pre, in, and, post game responsibilities, along with possible coaching, etc.
  • Students will review five real life scenarios and use the attached forms to review.
  • Students will review actual budgets of College/University to see if there is compliance with Title IX.

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