Thursday, April 27, 2023

Sports Betting: What are the Risks for Intercollegiate Athletics?

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From: The Drake Group Education Fund <>
Date: April 27, 2023 at 5:09:39 AM EDT
Subject: Sports Betting:  What are the Risks for Intercollegiate Athletics?



Sports Betting: What are the Risks for Intercollegiate Athletics?


The finances of college sports are in peril. Desperate for cash, college athletic departments are embracing sports betting. Many colleges have entered partnerships with sports book companies and some schools receive a payout whenever a student opens an account with the sports book. The threat to college life is at least threefold: (1) the integrity of the competition may be undermined; (2) by most estimates there will be tens of thousands of addictive gamblers in college dormitories; and (3) some college players may be subjected to violence if their team does not perform as expected. What are the dimensions of these threats and how will they impact intercollegiate athletics?


ANDREW ZIMBALIST, Ph.D., (Moderator) Robert A. Woods Professor Emeritus of Economics, Smith College; President, The Drake Group and member of the Board of Directors of The Drake Group Education Fund. Dr. Zimbalist has consulted in Latin America for the United Nations Development Program, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and numerous companies and, in the sports industry, for players' associations, cities, companies, citizens groups, teams and leagues. He has published several dozen articles and twenty-seven books, including Unpaid Professionals: Commercialism and Conflict in Big-time College Sports (1999), The Economics of Sport, I & II (2001), Unwinding Madness: What Went Wrong with College Sports and How to Fix It (2017) with Gerry Gurney and Donna Lopiano, and Whither College Sports (2021).

BRYAN B. BLAIR, J.D., Vice President and Director of Athletics, The University of Toledo. Mr. Blair formerly served as the Deputy Athletic Director and Chief Operating Officer at Washington State University and Senior Associate Athletic Director at Rice University; at Toledo, the Rockets finished No. 68 in the country in the fall standings of the Learfield Director's Cup, the highest finish of any MAC school and ahead of 21 Power 5 programs and in the classroom and, in the 2022 fall semester, Rocket athletes achieve the best academic performance in Toledo Athletics' history (3.401 grade point average), with 74 achieving President's List honors with a perfect 4.0 GPA, and 302 out of 393 (77%) of all student-athletes making the Honor Roll with at least a 3.0 GPA.



REBECCA CASSIDY, Ph.D., Professor of Social Anthropology, Goldsmiths College, University of London. Dr. Cassidy is the author of two monographs about horseracing including Sport of Kings, which was included in The Racing Post's list of best ever books about racing. In 2021 she wrote Vicious Games, an ethnography of the modern commercial gambling industry. She has held several prestigious research awards including an ERC Starting Grant and is currently a Leverhulme Major Research Fellow working on apples.

DECLAN HILL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Investigations, University of New Haven. Dr. Hill specializes in the study of organized crime and corruption specifically in international sport: author of The Fix: Organized Crime, and Soccer and The Insider's Guide to Match-Fixing in Football as well as numerous peer-reviewed academic articles on the subject of sports corruption and gambling; former investigative journalist and news presenter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); his work has also appeared in The New York Times, BBC, PBS Frontline, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, The Sunday Telegraph, and The Times (London); has won numerous awards for his work, including Amnesty International's Best Human Rights Documentary, and recognition by Play the Game (Denmark) and the Canadian Association of Journalists.       

DARRAGH McGEE, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the University of Bath. Dr. McGee's research examines the relationship between gambling and sport, including how rapid industry expansion and technological innovation has engendered growing concerns about the welfare and wellbeing of young people, including that of elite athletes; recently, he has led a pioneering British Academy/Global Challenges Research Fund project exploring how young people understand the socio-cultural meaning and public health impacts of gambling-related harm in Ghana and Malawi. The findings of his work have featured in a wide range of international media, including The Guardian, WIRED magazine, The Globe and Mail, and CBC The Fifth Estate. In 2020, he was named a BBC New Generation Thinker for his insights on sport, gambling, and global health.

THE HONORABLE TOM McMILLEN, President and Chief Executive Officer of the LEAD1 Association, which represents the athletic directors and programs of the Football Bowl Subdivision; former All-American basketball player at the Univ. of Maryland; member of the 1972 Olympic basketball team that refused to accept a silver medal after its controversial and disputed championship game with the Soviet Union; graduated as valedictorian of his class at the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry; first Rhodes Scholar from the University of Maryland; Bachelor and Master of Arts in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics from Oxford University; played eleven years in the NBA; the first and only active professional athlete to run for Congress; served three consecutive terms from the Fourth District of Maryland in the United States House of Representatives.

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The Drake Group Education Fund (TDGEF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization whose mission is to ensure that the promise of college athletics is realized for all stakeholders. TDGEF produces The Allen Sack National Symposium on Integrity in College Sports and the Critical Issues in College Sports Webinar Series, conducts fact-based research on intercollegiate athletics and develops position papers and other educational materials that influence public discourse on current issues and controversies in college sport.

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