Thursday, January 23, 2025

Spring 2025 Friday 01/24/25 Who is covering what NCAA D1

I have tried to give everyone something from the NCAA d1 manual for tomorrow's class or the blog

If I labeled you noon, then I expect to see you at noon.. If I labeled you at 2pm, I expect to see you at 2pm

The test / quiz sections come from these areas and other, the ability to research the manual is key

1.         _Kira Bennett 2pm / Baylee Goins Noon – Find something to discuss from the Blog -

2.         Ece Evin Noon/ Aboubcar Cisse 2pm From the NCAA D1 Manual, Find Bylaw 11.02 and what does it cover?

3.         Jada Henson Noon_/Jacob Rice 2pm_ From the NCAA D1 Manual, what does Bylaw 11.4.2 cover?

4.         _Ethan Spolarich Noon_/Nazir Jones 2pm From the NCAA D1 Manual, is it practical to have NCAA Bylaw 11.7.5?  how do you monitor it?


6.         Nigel McNatt 12pm_/John Penn Miller 2pm_ From the NCAA D1 and NCAA D2 Manual, how are NCAA D1 and NCAA D2 different?

7.         Warren Wood 12pm & 2pm_ From NCAA D1 Bylaw 12.8.3, what are some of the examples of playing redshirt rules at D1 level?

8.         Kenneth Williams 12pm / _Anaisia Griffin 2pm_ From the NCAA D1 Bylaw 12.4.1 and NCAA D2 Bylaw 14.02.6 &, can a student athlete give lessons? What is the difference between the two divisions?

9.         Brody Sipple Noon/ David Know 2pm From the NCAA D1 Bylaw 13, what are Contact, Evaluation, Dead and Quiet?

10.      Adrianna Law Noon/ Jaedun Slack 2pm_ From the NCAA D1 Manual, what does NCAA bylaw 14.3 cover?

11.      Daryl Fletcher Noon / Jaylen Geter 2pm - From the NCAA D1 manual, what are the 3 status under Bylaw 14.3?

12.      Andrew Vickers Noon / JuJuan Ray 2pm - From the NCAA D1 Manual Figure 13-1, what is the transfer portal windows?

13.      Kerrigan Moore Noon / Paula Castro Gonazlez 2pm From NCAA D1 Manual, Bylaw and cover what?

14.      Hunter McSweeney Noon/ Errick Britt 2pm From the NCAA D1 manual, Does D1 have any Equivalency Sports per bylaw 15.5.3?

15. The MCANDREWS______________ will be moderator/teacher. Moderator/teacher of the group." You will call on people and add items they missed throughout the chapter and anything you could find off of the web. You will keep the class on task.


The quiz questions come from the class notes and being able to find bylaws in the Different Manuals

Attaching a copy of the D1 manual - student athletes - your coaches have told me your schedule and this fits

Sean McAndrews, MA
Associate AD Senior Compliance, Administration
3047664122 office
West Virginia State University

"Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you wanted" 

Randy Pausch CMU Last Lecture

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