Monday, April 8, 2024

NAAC (Compliance) : Athletics Compliance Opportunity for Students – Register Today!

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Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Subject: NAAC (Compliance) : Athletics Compliance Opportunity for Students – Register Today!
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Please join the Membership and Awards Committee of the National Association for Athletic Compliance (NAAC) as we provide a peek into the inner... -posted to the "NAAC (Compliance)" community
National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics

NAAC Compliance

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Athletics Compliance Opportunity for Students – Register Today!
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Alexis Stover
Apr 8, 2024 2:01 PM
Alexis Stover

Please join the Membership and Awards Committee of the National Association for Athletic Compliance (NAAC) as we provide a peek into the inner workings of compliance. Graduate and law students with an interest in pursuing a career in compliance are encouraged to attend this free virtual event, which will provide them with an opportunity to hear from and engage with a diverse group of compliance administrators. Registration will be open for the first 100 students who sign up HERE. Ten attendees will be randomly selected to receive a free NAAC student membership for 2023-24. Below are additional details for the event:
Date: Thursday, April 18th,  3-4 p.m. E.T.
Attendees: Undergraduate, Graduate and law school students; will be capped at first 100 who register
Description: This one-hour Zoom session, which includes both a panel discussion and breakout rooms, will provide students a unique and honest glimpse into athletic compliance as a career option.

For more information about NAAC, please visit and follow @NAACconnect on Twitter.

Alexis Stover
NACDA Intern
Westlake OH
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