Tuesday, March 5, 2024

202324 - NAIA ANTELOPE VALLEY CLOSING IMMEDIATELY 3/8/24 - Can contact Student Athletes Immediately

Antelope Valley has been ordered to close by this Friday, according to an emergency decision by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. The bureau states that the institution is not financially sound, has insufficient administration and lacks sufficient facilities and is ordered to cease all instruction, degree programs, and enrollment of and collection of money from new students. More from the decision: "These circumstances require immediate action by the Bureau to protect students, prevent misrepresentations to the public, and prevent the loss of public funds or monies paid by students. 

Sean McAndrews, MA
Associate AD Senior Compliance, Administration
3047664122 office
West Virginia State University


"Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you wanted" 

Randy Pausch CMU Last Lecture

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1 comment:

I need to approve