Thursday, October 27, 2022

202223 NCAA RULES EDUCATION #05 - Coaches working non-institutional camps

Dear Athletic Staff; 

Today's question comes from Head Baseball Coach Sean Loyd - Am I allowed to speak at a non-institutional camp/clinic?

The answer is yes....

1) as long as it is not during a dead period - 11/7/22 7am until 11/9/22 at 7am for all sports other than football...

2) The camp can not be sponsored/ conducted by a recruiting service 

3) the camp is open to everyone

3) no reduced admissions to any individuals that have started the 9th grade or higher

4) Basketball and Football can now speak year round - the old rule of summer months was removed a few years ago Athletics Staff Members. A member institution's athletics staff member may be involved in sports camps or clinics unless otherwise prohibited in this section. Camp/Clinic Providing Recruiting or Scouting Service. No athletics department staff member may be employed (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) in any capacity by a camp or clinic established, sponsored or conducted by an individual or organization that provides recruiting or scouting services concerning prospective student-athletes. This provision does not prohibit an athletics department staff member from participating in an officiating camp where participants officiate for, but are not otherwise involved in, a scouting services camp. [D] (Adopted: 1/11/89, Revised: 1/10/90, 1/10/92, 6/22/11) Other Noninstitutional Privately Owned camps/Clinics. An institution's athletics department personnel may serve in any capacity (e.g., counselor, guest lecturer, consultant) in a noninstitutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to institutional camps (e.g., open to any and all entrants, no free or reduced admission to any individual who has started classes for the ninth grade). [D] (Adopted: 1/12/04 effective 8/1/04, Revised: 4/23/04, 6/22/11, 1/26/19)

6) Social media - you can like or retweet on one of the 1001 social media sites a picture - but you can not comment or directly post on one of your 1001 social media sites...

7) No recruiting presentation

Hope this information has been helpful

Sean McAndrews, MA
Assistant AD Compliance, Facilities, Game Administration
3047664122 office
West Virginia State University

Please report IT, COL and Physical Facilities issues by sending an email with complete information to the appropriate address:

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