Florida International University commits recruiting violations
Committee on Infractions splits case; formal decision to be released later

Media Center Saquandra Heath
Florida International University and one individual have reached an agreement with the NCAA enforcement staff on recruiting violations that occurred within the women's soccer and softball programs. FIU, the individual and the enforcement staff also agreed to the prescribed penalties for those violations. To expedite the process for the parties in agreement, a Committee on Infractions panel has approved the agreement. One individual in the case contests the alleged violations, and her portion will be considered by the Committee on Infractions on the written record prior to the committee's full decision release.
The agreed-upon softball and women's soccer violations occurred during the 2020-21 COVID recruiting dead period and involved impermissible contacts and impermissible recruiting inducements.
The parties involved in the agreement will not discuss further details in the case to protect the integrity of the ongoing process, as the committee's final decision regarding the remaining individual — including potential violations and penalties — is still pending.
By separating the case, the Division I Committee on Infractions publicly acknowledges the infractions case and permits the school and individuals in agreement to immediately begin serving their penalties while awaiting the committee's final decision. That decision also will include findings and possible penalties for the individual who has contested the violations and/or penalties. This is the fourth case where the committee has used multiple resolution paths.
Some of the penalties — effective immediately — in this case include:
- Two years of probation.
- A $5,000 fine.
- A 10% reduction in official paid visits in the softball and women's soccer programs during the 2023-24 academic year.
- A four-week prohibition in unofficial visits in the softball and women's soccer programs. Two of those weeks were completed during the 2021-22 academic year.
- A three-week prohibition in recruiting communications in the softball and women's soccer programs. One of those weeks was completed during the 2021-22 academic year.
- A three-week prohibition in off-campus recruiting contact and evaluations in the softball and women's soccer programs. One of those weeks was completed during the 2021-22 academic year.
- A one-year show-cause order for the individual who agreed to the violations and penalties.
- A suspension for the first 10% of the regular-season contests during the first season of the show-cause period for the individual who agreed to the violations and penalties.