Monday, February 28, 2022

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D1 Student Athletes are employees - NLRB September 2021 

NLRD Genderal Counsel sends message D1 Scholarship are employees 

SC Coach fired day after Title IX Suit

Poland - Others Boycott World Cups games in Russia

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Fight in the stands

Steigerworld (@John Steigerwald) Tweeted: I don't know the details of what caused this but I have a feeling the adult deserved it.

Case analysis 
Sean Mcandrews

Monday, February 14, 2022

Fwd: Registration Reminder | USCAH Webinar: NCAA Constitution Updates

Exercise Science / Student Athlete Welfare discussion

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: US Council for Athletes' Health <>
Date: Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Registration Reminder | USCAH Webinar: NCAA Constitution Updates
To: Sean McAndrews <>


Join the U.S. Council for Athletes' Health (USCAH) for Part II of the Reimagining Athletic Medicine & Student-Athlete Health and Welfare in 2022 and Beyond, as our panel look at how the new NCAA Constitution affects athlete health and safety.

NCAA Constitution Updates and Creating an Environment for Athletes to Address Health and Safety Concerns

Thursday, February 17, 2022
Noon - 1 PM EST

Following the recent NCAA Convention and passing of a new constitution it is imperative that academic institutions and their athletic departments come together to support student athlete physical and mental health well-being.

We invite athletics administrators, faculty athletics representatives, athletic trainers, and other interested parties to take part in this interactive conversation that will reflect the following learning objectives:
  • Identifying the key stakeholders in student-athlete health and safety
  • Describing strategies to implement student athlete health and welfare changes specific to the new NCAA Constitution
  • Defining and discussing the role of the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) specific to the new NCAA Constitution
The role of the Faculty Athletics Representative is taking on new meaning as well, and the USCAH team will host an additional session for FAR at the conclusion of the regular webinar. Additional info will be shared directly with you following registration. Please forward this to your FAR. 
  • Executive Director, USCAH
  • Sports Medicine Physician and Professor of Family Medicine and Orthopedics, Medical College of Georgia
  • Medical Director, USA Basketball

  • Executive Director, AHAA
  • Senior Associate Athletics Director, Oregon State
  • Sports Medicine Physician, Samaritan Health Systems

  • Assistant Professor, Health Sciences Program, Dominican College
  • NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative

  • Commissioner, Mid-American Intercollegiate Athletics Association (MIAA)

  • President and CEO, USCAH
  • Chief Medical Officer, Big Ten

Continuing Education Units

This events has been approved for 1.0 Category A continuing education units from the NATABOC. All registrants must complete the post-event survey.

Additional Information

  • Schedule and format: Noon ET. Opening statements and roundtable virtual discussion with open Q&A via Zoom function
  • Fee(s): None
  • Cancellation/refund policy: In event of a cancellation, an email will be sent to all registrations. As the event is free, there will be no refund.
  • Sponsors: None
  • Required materials and equipment: None

There is no fee for this discussion; however, registration is required. We encourage you to forward this invitation to interested colleagues. Unable to join us at the scheduled time? Register anyway and we will provide you a link to a recording of this webinar.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

KY considering creating misdemeanor charge of intimidating a sports official | WCHS

KY considering creating misdemeanor charge of intimidating a sports official | WCHS
Case analysis 

KY considering creating misdemeanor charge of intimidating a sports official

Supports say the legislation would protect referees from physical confrontations and intimidation.  (WCHS)<p>{/p}

Threatening a sports official could soon become a crime in Kentucky. Lawmakers are considering legislation to create the misdemeanor charge of intimidating a sports official.

The hope is this legislation will alleviate the shortage of referees for sporting events, because the future of high school athletics could be at stake.

"We're down in Kentucky about 25% to 30% of the available pool of officials," reported Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

"We can't cover all of the games that are out there because we have a shortage of officials," said Rep. David Hale, R-Wellington.

Hale says the shortage is due to referees that don't want to deal with threats and intimidation from fans at sporting events.

Josh Hughes is the athletic director at Lewis County High School and has seen officials struggle with confrontations.

"It's getting to a point where people are just not wanting to deal with any of it, with an actual physical confrontation, those types of things are happening more often it seems," Hughes said.

Rep. Hale is sponsoring House Bill 220 which would create the misdemeanor crime of intimidating a sports official. Offenders could face up to a year in jail for threatening to injure a sports official or damage a referee's property or business interests.

"I think it's long overdue. We're getting low on officials and guys are getting out of the game because of intimidation," said Hughes.

Vanceburg Police Chief Joe Billman is also a sports official.

"Parents sometimes are crazy over their kids," Billman said.

Chief Billman said that over the course of his 25 years as a referee, he has been threatened and intimidated, but at sporting events, he has learned to tune out the fans.

"I've had fans come to the floor, and if they come to the floor, that's when they get my attention and that's when I've tossed fans," Billman said.

"I think parents are different, and I think there is this idea that someone is out to cheat you," Hughes said. "I don't know where that came from."

The House Judiciary Committee has sent the legislation to the full House for consideration.

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Nebraska clears way for decision on sports alcoho…,285964

Case analysis

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Georgia Athletics Extends Pilot Alcohol Sales Pro…

Case analysis'

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Peleton Making Cuts - Changing CEO

Case analysis

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

USWNT's Rapinoe, Morgan - U.S. Soccer 'stood by'…

Case analysis
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Jobs in Athletics - Are you getting the experience to get the Job


The Drake group is composed of many people who have worked in Athletics or higher education.

They go over a great deal of what is wrong in sports at various levels, mostly the NCAA.

My objective teaching this class is for you to question and learn from a variety of sources.

Sign up if you want to 

Here is their website - - plenty of case analysis

Sean McAndrews, MA
Assistant AD Compliance, Facilities, Game Administration
West Virginia State University

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From: The Drake Group <>
Date: Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 7:00 AM
To: <>

Since 1909, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has been the primary voice and largest national athletics governance association for four-year colleges and universities in the United States. Following decades of enormous legal fees challenging rules restraining college athlete employment, facing hundreds of concussion-related lawsuits, and then suffering an adverse June 2022 Alston U.S. Supreme Court decision that eviscerated its college athlete eligibility system built on control through use of "amateur status" regulations, the organization appeared to freeze based on fear of future litigation. Within six months, the NCAA convened a "Constitution Committee" and at its January 2022 NCAA convention, members voted to move away from a national governance model of college sports and begin a transition to rule-making and enforcement by competitive division. The result will be a much different competitive and regulatory landscape. For all of us who are committed to continuing the good that college athletics does for athlete personal development and the excitement and pride it brings to campus, community, and alumni, there is a need to understand this new economic and governance structure. Will it be capable of solving issues including, academic integrity, athlete health, safety and well-being, gender inequities and other harms to participants and higher education? 
For the most current information on The Drake Group, follow us on Twitter and Facebook or visit us at For high school and college athletes and their parents: Follow @AskDocEmmett on Twitter and @AthleteRights101 on Instagram for trustworthy info and where athletes can safely ask questions. Watch the Critical Issues in Collegiate Athletics Webinar Series on our YouTube channel: College Athletics The Drake Group

Media queries on this topic may be directed to David Ridpath, Past President, The Drake Group Board of Directors -
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The Drake Group is an academic think tank working to better educate the U.S. Congress and higher education decision-makers about critical issues in intercollegiate athletics for he purpose of ensuring that the promise of college athletics is realized for all stakeholders.
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